Sunday, July 10, 2005

Run Happy

Yesterday was a seven mile run with team Tegla. It was a good run - not terribly hot and our group has grown a little but remains very social. In fact, we have outings planned separate from running!

With the program, when you've finished your run, you wait for the next group to cheer them in. It's a good boost as you finish. As we cheered for the next group we noticed they were all very serious and stern as they crossed the line. Huh. That can't be much fun for seven miles! Think of how awful 20+ miles will be! When I run with the team, the miles go by quickly and painlessly. We chat and laugh and get to know each other. We run happy - one of my rules of the road this year.

Yesterday was also Opening Night of Merry Wives. I think it went well . . . I guess we'll see what the critics thought. But for the first time since we began running the show, I relaxed and had fun throughout - as I believe we ALL did. Like with team Tegla, it makes a big difference.

So now that we're in the run of the show, I think I can apply that same rule of the road - RUN HAPPY.

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