Wednesday, June 04, 2008

New Wheels

It finally happened. My fabulous 14-year-old Accord with nearly 220,000 miles on it bit the dust.
Okay, she didn't actually bite the dust but she was clearly sick. I took her to see the car doctor and he said saving her would really be a waste of money . . . so I fixed what was critical to drive for a few more days and began the process of car shopping TWO WEEKS before my move.
Timing is everything.
I looked around but was pretty sure I wanted a CR-V. I'm brand loyal for lots of reasons and I figured I could use the room with my growing menagerie and impending move, plus it gets good gas mileage and all the consumer reviews of it are very high. SO . . . though I did test drive some of its competitors, I ended up with the CR-V.
What I didn't expect was to end up with a BRAND NEW one! Seriously, I wanted to find a gently used, more recent model but come to find out they are hard to find and maintain their value so well that for a few more dollars (okay, a few thousand, but at this point who's really counting) I could purchase new.
So now I had to get a loan. Fortunately, my Yankee Doodle Daddy taught me well and my credit rating is very high. I have practically no debt (I KNOW - in this day and age!) and as my new job was coming with a major pay raise I got the loan lickety split.
So then it was a matter of coming up with the best deal. Now, I understand sales - for heaven's sake I'm an actor - but I hate the whole wheeling and dealing that is done at some dealerships. I made some calls and researched on the Internet, and my Dad did same, and between the two of us we came up with a reasonable price for my area.
So I went in armed and dangerous and in no hurry (hahaha) to buy. In the end, I went with a dealer and salesman recommended by my Alexander instructor and he gave me everything I asked for (after several other tries). AMAZING. Of course, I began to think I should have requested more . . . but one shouldn't be greedy, should one?
Naturally, it wasn't as easy as driving off the lot. Oh no. I wanted 2WD as it's less expensive and gets better gas mileage. For some reason, few dealers in the Wasteland carry 2WD! So my salesman was searching desperately for my car. He finally found one that could be delivered . . . but then it was Memorial Day Weekend and I had to wait for it some more.
It finally arrived three days before the big move. WHEW. That was close! But I'm thrilled and she purrs like a kitten. She fit nearly all my remaining stuff (minus a bucket, mop, and some cleaner) - most importantly my critters and the plants. :)
So my new life has new wheels.

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