Sunday, June 08, 2008

I Sream You Scream We All Scream . . .

for the ice cream man! The past few nights I have heard that familiar clang clang clang of a favorite childhood memory. I've heard the neighborhood kids running after the sound for their ice cream sandwiches and bomb pops (my personal choice). Out of nostalgia I peered out the window and OH MY! This is not your momma's ice cream man! It's not even mine (at least not as I recall). Here was a strapping, dark, handsome 20-something behind the wheel wearing, I swear it, Foster Grants! HOTTY! And he wasn't driving some dorky old truck; no this tasty treat was driving a red Jeep Wrangler with the top down and the ice cream cooler propped up where the back seat normally lives! Seriously, I might become an episode of Desperate Housewives - who am I kidding? - a SEASON and chase this guy down nightly. Of course, unlike the ladies of DH, I'd get fat! Still, I've been craving a little ice cream . . . man.

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1 comment:

lifestudent said...

Now thats interesting ... every time I see an ice-cream truck there is a man driving it that looks like a full-blown child molester. Its about time they started putting some good looking younger guys behind the wheels of those things ;)