Monday, May 23, 2005

Green Thumb

I absolutely love our backyard. It's small, but has a deck and a couple of raised box planters as well as several round planters. It is an oasis for me . . . I spend each morning diligently spraying the aphids off of the rosebush and, as long as the weather cooperates, drinking my morning coffee.

Yesterday, after running with Zoe (we didn't make it to the canal, but we ran two loops of the cemetery) and joining my housemate for a walk, she (my housemate) and I went to Fragers Hardware for some plants.

I was in heaven! And more than a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice. I don't do well with the buffet.

After spending lots of time and money, we took our precious cargo home and I spent a glorious day in the garden.

The weather was PERFECT: mostly sunny and probably in the 70s. It took quite some time and wrestling to get rid of most of the weeds - I ran out of steam and will have fight that battle more regularly (like I do the aphids). I then planted an herb garden with basil, apple mint, chive, and parsley (we already have sage, rosemary, and fennel). I also put two tomato plants into the planter with marigolds and then potted some snapdragons, begonias, some lambs ear (new to me!), some wormwood (also new to me!), a salvia (empire purple - stunning), and some zinnias. FUN! Already in the garden was an azalea from a friend's wedding, some wildflowers and cutting flowers, and some plants I don't know!

I tried planting some things in the front yard, which is also lovely, but the ground is like CLAY so I gave up.

I'm not certain everything will survive. My mother is an amazing gardener, but I'm not certain that talent hasn't skipped my generation like so many of her other talents (sewing, quilting, family photo albums, cooking, etc.). Regardless, it will be fun to try to keep the garden growing.

And to find peace and quiet there.

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