Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Retirement Debate

I am once again forced to consider retiring Zoe from running. Or at least from running my training maintenance runs.

It's not an easy decision for me . . . mostly because I can't separate how I FEEL from the FACTS. Zoe's my girl and has helped me train for six marathons. In her prime, she ran as far as 15 miles with me and finished with enough energy to engage me in a game of tug-of-war with her leash. In fact, she probably ran way more than 15 miles 'cause she'd jump in and out of the canal (C & O Canal in DC) to swim, run ahead and then run back, and chase wildlife. I just can't imagine not having her by my side as I train again.

But this morning it seemed very apparent that the time has come. Not because she stopped running or anything dramatic, but because I was feeling held back by her. She just doesn't run with any speed anymore and though I'm hardly FAST, I am faster than she is. Even when I let her off leash, I'm the one that runs ahead and then has to run back to make sure she's okay. It's like we've traded places.

Like or not, she's getting older. She'll be 10 in less than a month and that's getting up there for a lab. I really believe the running helps keep her weight down and keeps her limber and strong, but she just isn't able to do the distance and speed she used to do.

Of course, retiring her really complicates my schedule. It means I'll have to walk her on my running days and that means getting up an hour earlier to get it done. While that's not so bad right now, when I have nothing but time on my hands, come fall it will be killer.

And I can't help but wonder if there isn't something else going on. Her mother, my brother's lab, had hypothyroidism and Zoe has some of the signs . . . but not all. I suppose at her next visit to the vet we should get her tested for it. SIGH.

So what do I do in the meantime? Does she run or not? I suppose I could take her for a shorter run that swings back to the house and then finish my miles or time on my own. But is it worth it - or is it enough?

And since I'm tired of fighting with myself, I'd like to hear others join the debate!


Anonymous said...

oh, sweetie! I think you SHOULD try to see if you can make your route pass by the still get the Zoe-time without sacrificing your schedule--and I think it's a good way to "wean" both you and Zoe from the ritual of the run.

Even so, my heart goes out to you!

Anonymous said...

Tough call, Dot...Zoe's is starting to get older and her speed and stmaina will be less...Maybe short recovery runs with her? Or take her with you on speed workouts where she can run along on the grass drills?