Friday, March 28, 2008

Trickling In

Yesterday I got an email from a school in North Carolina asking to arrange a phone call.

Another possibility trickles in.

I'm so-so about this one but can't really know until I talk with some folks and possibly visit the campus. To be honest, I'm really surprised it has taken them this long to get in touch with me. Their deadline was way back in January! But I suppose I should have some inkling of academic red-tape by now so I won't hold it against them.

Anyway, I wrote back saying Monday morning would be good and THIS morning got a call requesting it be before then - TODAY preferably. Well why the hell didn't you say so in your email? SHEESH!

So I called back and left a message on both numbers and will try again at the end of my day. Not ideal timing, but what the hell?

It's funny how the opportunities keep trickling in. Not only am I still hearing from schools to which I've already applied, but new postings are slowly finding their way to me; mostly because PhD sends along the ones closer to DC. Thank heavens for PhD (who, by the way, is now gainfully employed - woot)!

Last week I sent out an application for a school in Maryland and have, as of this a few minutes ago, been invited on-campus for an interview there! Trickle, trickle. I'm thrilled as that would get me 45 minutes from DC and working half-time so I could pursue other work or possibly continue my Alexander Technique training in DC. And this morning I sent out one for a school in Pennsylvania. I'm pretty excited about this morning's position. It's NTT (which means little to no University service required and that I like - besides, I've been NTT here and I can live with a few more years of that until I decide if I really want to be a full-time teacher), renewable, and close to DC, Philly, and NYC! HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE??

Of course, in the meantime, other schools will soon be making some decisions that may or may not mean I'm still on the market. SIGH. Should I get an offer, am I prepared to take it? Am I really in a position of luxury to REFUSE it? How do I deal with being a finalist elsewhere IF an offer comes in?

AND, just to mix things up, World Traveler has finally gotten her Peace Corps assignment and leaves DC late this summer. I'm THRILLED for her (and will MISS her)! But it means her job, at my old workplace, is coming available and though I wouldn't want it forever, would mean an easy transition back to my hometown until I find what fits.

More trickling. And though I'm very happy to have so many possibilities out there, I just wish somebody would turn the tap all the way up and I'd have a quick flood with which to deal. Then again, I could drown in that and it might be a lot messier!

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