Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Time Flies and Good-byes

So . . . two weeks have flown by and I am happy to say I have managed to get in some running. I ran 8 miles last weekend and probably the same this weekend.

I say probably because I was back on the boardwalk and increased my distance, but the mileage is just a guess as I only based it on time.

I've talked a great deal about time in this blog - from a runner's viewpoint. How is it different in the "real world?"

I'm not sure it is. I've noticed, as a runner, if I get caught up in my time then I tend to run less effectively. I think when I get caught up with time in my personal life, I live less effectively.

This weekend I was with the boy - our last weekend together until August as he must go away for work (What kind of work you ask? He could tell us but then he'd have to kill us - hahaha). I spent part of the weekend thinking about him being gone - for four months - and found myself not enjoying the fact that he was still there, with me, for the whole weekend.

Funny that.

I imagined how LONG four months will feel. How lonely I'll be. How much I'll miss him and how many fun things we'll miss.

I'm convinced that focusing on time only makes it go by that much slower. It does when I run - if I watch my watch. But if I just note the time when I leave and the time when I get back, I'm surprised by how fast it went by.

So in the real world I need to apply my running knowledge. I shouldn't "count the days" or they will feel like years. If I enjoy my time with friends, running, work, etc. the four months will race by. And before I know it, good-bye will be hello.

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