Friday, April 18, 2008

Rock and Roll Morning

This morning, around 4AM the critters woke me up.

Now, I'll admit my animals are early risers, but this was ridiculous!

And all three seemed especially agitated. Of course, I was agitated too, just in a clearly different way. Every time I tried to go back to sleep, Zoe would stick her nose in my face and pant. I finally said "night night!" firmly enough to get her to leave me alone.

The next thing I know, the bed is shaking like crazy and I am wondering what in the hell Zoe could be doing to create such vibrations when I look next to me, and there - OFF the bed - is Zoe wagging her tail, ears down, and panting. The cats were nowhere to be found.

What the hell?

Apparently, I experienced my first earthquake. In ILLINOIS. Who knew? And according to another article ILLINOIS has at least one a year. Huh? Yup. Not of this magnitude (a 5.4 or 5.2 depending on who you read), but we've got a couple of fault lines here so . . . I suppose it makes sense.


If the bed is rockin', mother earth is knockin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... never forget your first! LOL! In Japan, after a while, if it wasn't over like a 5, we barely noticed...but just be glad that nothing bad happened...and listen to Zoe!