Wednesday, June 27, 2007

iPod Pondering

An iPod is truly a wonderful thing.

I have spent the past day and half downloading most of my music library on this little gadget (and my laptop) and when I am finished, I will most likely not have filled half of its memory.

It's not that I have a LOT of music, but I began collecting CDs back when they "replaced" vinyl and I was crazy enough to join BMG. So I have a decent collection of mostly older music. I'll admit, I've really enjoyed listening to some I haven't listened to in a long time. Music carries many memories. And it makes me happy to be able to carry it with me anywhere.

When I lived in DC, I had my iPod with me all the time. I took it almost everywhere with me (it's especially nice to have on the Metro). When I moved out to the cornfields, it sat at home a lot. But since putting all of my music on it, that's about to change. It's a wonderful thing.

But an iPod can be dangerous, too. You start checking things out in the iTunes store and suddenly you're wanting to spend your life's savings on music!

For example, a few nights ago I saw my boyfriend (Bon Jovi for those who are not in the know) UnPlugged on TV and was so thrilled I ran right to iTunes to see if the concert had been recorded. Well, it had not (at least that I could find), but the new album is out and it took all of my will power to keep from buying it on the spot. I am quite certain I am going to break down and buy it before my trip . . . in 3 days. I just can't resist. I mean, he is my boyfriend after all - not to mention the sexiest man on the planet!

And then there is all the other new music out there. There are a few radio stations I listen to online that feature new music. Well, all I can think of is I MUST get it for my iPod! Seriously, dangerous stuff.

I bought my iPod used from a friend. Though our tastes in music differ, she had a TON of stuff on the iPod already that I liked and I refrained from adding to it for the danger listed above for about two years. Now that I have reconfigured it for my computer, I lost all of her music and I miss a LOT of it! So I've asked another friend who has similar tastes if I can borrow her CDs to download at some point, but that won't cover the Podcasts and hundreds of other songs I'll miss. So I've already started searching on iTunes for the missing music.

Where is the money coming from that's going to pay for all this????

SIGH. I suppose this is where I need to prioritize. Obviously, my boyfriend's music comes first! After that, I suppose I'll just have to add to it here and there. Until I win the lottery anyway.

Or until I get an iTunes gift card!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I took off all the really embarrassing music before I sold the ipod to you. If you can remember anything you liked that got deleted, let me know.
