I actually went running this morning.
It was 22 degrees (felt like 12 according to the Weather Channel) and I took Stella and Jake with me. It was a mere 2 miles, but I am pleased just the same as if it were more.
I haven't done any serious running in a long time, so I am grateful to be able to manage even a short run. Jake loves to run, so I'm grateful for his company, even if he insists on marking every tree, lampost, or clump of grass along the way. Stella runs like I often feel: unethusiastically. She does well for about a mile - maybe 1.5 miles - then decides she'd rather be walking. I still get her to move, but it isn't pretty. In spite of his size, I'd probably do better with Buster as a running partner over Stella. Perhaps I'll give it a try next time.
Tomorrow is an early morning for work (blech) so I won't be running. I hope to get back to a 3 day/week running schedule, so I'm shooting for running on Thursday. However, with this stupid conference we have coming into town on Thursday, I might just have to get it done on Wednesday. Heaven help us, we are hosting the big state high school theatre conference this weekend. Kill me.
Looking at my schedule for the long haul, Tuesday, Thursday, and a weekend date are going to be best for me.
Tomorrow I take my first Yoga class at the gym. I'm looking forward to it!
And, I actually fixed a really great meal with a bunch of leftovers tonight. Basically, I stir-fried some red and green peppers, broccoli, and pierogies in Trader Joe's General Tsao sauce. Yummy! I resisted the temptation to make a creamy pesto sauce . . . highly unusual behavior for me!
So here's to a good start anyway. Will wonders never cease?
BOOK/A TABLE - Let There Be Quiche!
2 days ago
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