Today was a pretty good day all in all.
I got up at 5 AM (my standard now), ran with the Artist and dogs at 5:30, wrote in my morning pages, showered, had breakfast and raced to campus.
My 9 AM class was freezing in the studio, but otherwise it was good time spent. They seem like a good group. Then I had one of the most productive days I've had on campus. SHOCKER! So, even though I still have to finish an online application for a job and I still have to finish a syllabus calendar, I got a LOT done. Just before my 3 PM class, I chatted online with the World Traveler. We got to talking and she may join The Artist Way cluster. Hurrah! We also chatted about our weekend plans.
This weekend I'm off to KC to visit some of my childhood friends. I honestly can't remember the last time we were ALL together (maybe one's wedding back in 1991 or so). CRAZY! But I told the World Traveler since I didn't really get a break over my break, I was staying in a hotel in KC with an indoor pool and jacuzzi. I was giving myself a little treat. She said something like, "Maybe there will be some cute guys in the jacuzzi with you . . ." and I replied, "God, I wish!"
Next thing I know she's telling me to hold on because she's going to draw me a Faerie Card. She was gifted the Faerie Cards when she was leaving for The Philippines. Those of you who have been following this blog since its inception might remember an entry from way back about the World Traveler and her Faerie Card cynicism. Boy did she learn! Anyway, from time to time, back when I lived in DC and worked for the Folger, my colleagues and I would have a problem, or decision, or even big event in our life and we would draw a card for "guidance."
So I was pretty excited to have one drawn on my behalf as it had been a while.
Well, the next thing I see on my IM is "OMG - HAPPILY EVER AFTER!" (or something close to that). Yup, the World Traveler had drawn me one of the best cards in the deck. Apparently, if I don't fight the current path I'm on, I'm going to live happily ever after (that's my sum up)!
So that got me to thinking about my life and winter of discontent. Was it just that I was fighting my current circumstances? So I promised the World Traveler I wouldn't worry about anything anymore (true, easier said than done, but there is power in just putting that out into the Universe) and I instantly felt . . . well, lighter!
So we wrapped up our IM conversation and I went off to teach. When I got back, I was called into the Department Head's office (sounds like I was called to the principal, doesn't it?). I went in and he told me that the faculty line search had been given a green light from the provost and I needed to schedule my interview!
Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I really figured I wouldn't know anything for at least another month! So, it looks like I'm officially interviewing in about 3 weeks.
And I'm trying to hold onto what the Faeries advised: not to sabotage my own success. So I am trying to keep an open mind about staying here (at least for the immediate future). Perhaps I am on the best course for me right now. Perhaps DC isn't the place I need to be - at this time - to live "happily ever after."
Now, nothing is certain and I still have lots of hoops to jump through. But it's nice to finally have ONE job in the hopper. And no matter what happens, I'll either KNOW I'm staying or going in short order.
So I get to run off to KC, pamper myself, look for those cute boys in the jacuzzi, and spend time with some dear friends without all this excess worry.
Who knows? Maybe I WILL live happily ever after!
BOOK/A TABLE - Beef Stroganoff
2 days ago
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