Well, another half-marathon under my belt. It was my slowest, but I can't complain.
The morning started early - a little before 5 AM to get up, get ready, eat and stretch. I let my nephews sleep in till 5:15 and then got them up. The managed to rise quickly and quietly - a surprise considering they're 16 and 17! Then Papa drove us to the race start. We got about 5 blocks away and, as he had to return to the hotel to get the family cheering section, dropped us off.
We began by walking to the race start and waiting in the cold rain. YUCK. That's never an easy way to begin. My fingers looked like the fingers of a dead person. Pretty unpleasant. But my brother, my nephews and I managed to keep our spirits high as we waited.
This race the half-marathoners and marathoners start together, but they start in "waves" based on predicted finishing time. Ignoring that, all of us waited in corral #11, where 2 hour finishers wait so we could at least START together, even if we knew we wouldn't FINISH together.
Finally, the gun went off for the elite racers and our 20-plus minute wait to GET to the start began. Oh well, when you're already cold and wet what's another 20 minutes?
Fortunately, the minutes flew by and we were off. My brother and I saw the Speed Demon and the Soccer Player for about a mile and then we were on our own. We sang along with the songs the bands were playing (oddly enough, we heard more rock than country!) and managed to keep a pretty steady pace. Early in the race, CMT was throwing out wrist bands. Hallelujah! I finally had a wrist band! I have often thought, during training, I would like one, but never remembered when I was in a sporting goods store. It sure came in use.
The rain stopped shortly after we started and then it warmed up. Blech. Still, I tried to enjoy the sights and sounds. Nashville is a pretty city and Music Row was pretty interesting. We passed by parts of Vanderbilt University and other nice parts of town. I confess I never bothered to look at the course in detail, so I was running blind. I only marked the passing of the miles and - through my brother - the time.
There was an Elvis (of course!) directing marathon traffic at the split - half-marathoners to the right, full marathoners to the left. I was so GLAD to be going to the right! My brother and I ran along together most of the way and finally, around mile 7, we saw the family. Somehow we missed them at mile 4! Near mile 11 or so I was a little ahead of my brother and when I looked back to check in, he waved me on. Fair enough - I waved him on last time.
So I stepped up the pace a smidge and with only the finish line in my mind. The first mile passed with little pain; the second passed and I was working harder. We rounded a corner near the finish at LP Stadium (home of the Titans) and I figured my family would be there if anywhere. Sure enough, they were, but I missed them entirely and they missed me (except my youngest nephew, who later I heard said, "Mom, I think Auntie just ran by." Oh well.)! Then I was .1 mile away from the finish and I could hear the beep of the chips registering and did my best to finish strong.
I knew I was close to a 2 hour finish and as that was roughly where I wanted to finish, I was happy. I got my water, my medal, and I waited for my brother. A few minutes later, I saw him snag his medal and then came the fun of collecting food and finding the family.
Now two years ago, after running Louisville in the cold rain, I complained because only FULL marathoners got foils to stay warm. Ludicrous! Yet after crossing this finish I didn't see ANY foils. HUH? Where were the foils? I finally asked a volunteer and come to find out, NOBODY was getting foils except those in medical need. Well poop on that! I WAS COLD. But not wanting to take a foil away from one suffering hypothermia, I suffered my fast and furious cool down.
Finally, juggling food and fluids and shivering in the cold, my brother and I located the family. My sister-in-law, bless her, was kind enough to bring one of her sweatshirts for me, remembering the fiasco of Louisville. Eventually, the Speed Demon, and a hurting Soccer Player, found us as well and we were off to manipulate our way back to the hotel.
Fortunately, Papa was a tracker in a previous life (or if you were to ask the Speed Demon, a CIA Secret Agent in THIS life) and has the most amazing sense of direction (or a photographic memory). In spite of road closings, bumper to bumper traffic, and not knowing Nashville very well, he got us home back to the hotel in no time so we could enjoy a hot shower or the hot tub to warm up and recover.
The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying family, pool time, and lots and lots of food! Nothing like earning a guilt-free weekend!
What's next? Looks like it might be the Stump Jump in October. I guess I need to get some trail shoes . . .
Oh, and the gauntlet is down. As I was saying good-bye to my brother he said, "Now we're even." I think he means to get ahead in October. Any bets?
BOOK/A TABLE - Let There Be Quiche!
2 days ago