Confession: I get jealous . . . a lot . . . about lots of things.
This could mean any number of things, but I'm pretty sure I know why. In spite of everything my friends and family might say, I experience a fair amount of insecurity. I'm constantly battling those feelings, but the truth is I can get pretty anxious about many things in my life: my love life, my professional life, money, and general approval.
Sadly, my insecurity comes out as jealousy - sometimes agressive jealousy.
I compare myself to other women quite a bit, especially women who are experiencing success where I am experiencing insecurity. It's not that I dislike these women (many of them are my FRIENDS so quite the contrary), it's just that I'm seeing something in them that I want - a better body, a better wardrobe, a boyfriend, more money, a job.
This last one is particularly hard on me. As an actor we are constantly looking for work (even when we're working) and in a town the size of DC, you find yourself competing against your friends for roles. This is hard on me. Even the women who aren't my friends I respect and like. Yet I always wonder why they are working and I'm not . . . and that leads to me comparing myself, feeling insecure, and ultimately getting angry and jealous.
How do you control it? Therapy would help, sure, but it's out of the question financially. I could go through another round of The Artist's Way which has helped me immensely in the past - sort of like a twelve-step program for creative types. Or I could just change careers.
Yeah, the thought goes through my mind on a regular basis.
But how do you abandon your passion? Or how do you re-invent yourself and keep that passion? I've had opportunities to get out with good jobs and always said "no." Shouldn't that tell me something? Or should I subscribe to the theory that the past doesn't equal the future? The thing is, I just can't imagine walking away. Is that a lack of vision on my part or a sign that I'm on the right path? East Coast Alaskan Girl and City Mouse have both commented on working in the industry . . . clearly its a struggle for each of us in our own ways. SIGH.
And people wonder what I think about when I'm running.
Yeah, running helps.
Coloring your hair helps.
Time with friends (even those working!) helps.
Zoe helps. Of course she does. Unconditional love ALWAYS helps.
I am armed with all kinds of weapons against this green-eyed monster (Is it the same as my Gremlin? They're definitely related if not the same). I just need to remember I can rely on them.
BOOK/A TABLE - Let There Be Quiche!
3 days ago
1 comment:
Hey S, sorry I've been slacking at commenting lately...
Speaking as one who doesn't really have a "passion" the way you artists do - well, I think you'd be crazy to give it up - even if things aren't going the way you want them to - please, please, please understand how lucky you are to feel that way about something. I'm still searching for mine...
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