Last night, I went out with the girls for our usual hump day martinis and manicures. I had told my friends about my ex getting married, so we had an itty bitty pity party.
As it turns out, all of my friends have a similar story. And so we all spent one drink complaining and moved on. It was exactly what I needed.
In the end, the night was great fun! We didn't bother wasting much time crying in our drinks . . . instead we celebrated the Writer getting published at the tender age of 24 and the Artist showing her work in a faculty installation downtown. Impressive women!
We enjoyed our yummy food and drinks, the soulful sounds of the adorable guitarist, and even some other products. Apparently, the first Wednesday of the month, they invite a bunch of local businesses to sell their wares to us ladies. And they also have a drawing for each of the vendors! I won a necklace!!!! How great is that?
Friends are the best at cheering you up when your down. Not only did I have a fabulous evening with my new friends, but an dear friend from DC sent me an e-mail with this quote from Sex and the City:
Carrie: Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.
Honestly, I really miss this show. For all the silly news and hype, I thought there was some good writing that got the heart of a modern woman and relationships. And this quote raised my spirits immensely. I've had all those types of relationships mentioned, except the last one . . . but I'm working on it. And if it never happens, at least I know I have friends who love the me I love . . . and I can say I love myself. There are a lot of women (and men for that matter) who can't say that.
So I'm over it. Congratulations to my darling ex and his new bride! I wish them lots of love and happiness in their life together.
And for now, I'm still single . . . without the sorrow.
I love itty bitty pity parties!
BOOK/A TABLE - Let There Be Quiche!
2 days ago