Thursday, July 31, 2008
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
I wept and continue to cry on and off.
Funny how these animals enter your heart and take hold. I miss his clowning around, stealing cat toys, and joyful disposition. I miss hearing his little legs run around on hardwood floor. I miss watching him race around the yard in wild play with Stella. I miss him following me from room to room. I miss waking up to him sleeping in the catbed next to me.
But I know he is in a good, loving home and ultimately my life will be easier. Emptier, yes, but easier.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Flea Baths for All
Oh joy, oh rapture.
I'm not surprised really, but had checked her before and hadn't noticed any. I guess I hadn't checked her carefully.
So it was flea bath time for all the dogs (except Zoe who is on Frontline). The good news is, after rescuing Bea, my vet said you can just use Dawn Dishwashing Liquid to kill the fleas. Imagine! No expensive dips or shampoos. Just Dawn . . . and maybe more than one bath.
Now, I know there are a LOT of opinions about if it's good for Fido or not, but I bathed Bea when she was only 2 weeks old TWICE a day in it for about a week (she was horribly infected) and she did GREAT on it. Stella hasn't scratched since and I'm pretty sure the little guy's scratching is from the damn burrs that I still haven't gotten off him.
I also washed all the bedding and couch upholstery (still washing actually) and sprayed all bedding, carpets, blankets, etc. with some Mycodex which I had left-over from my last flea battle.
Ah, the joys of owning pets.
It has been on my mind since finding the dogs that I will have to eventually get them to the vet. And my other critters need their annual checkup. OUCH - 5 animals going to the vet??? I can't imagine what THAT will cost me. Until that time, I'm getting a couple of flea collars for the strays.
Still, there was one high note in the day. After washing Stella and - since I need to call him something while he's here - Buster, they started racing around the house playing. SO CUTE! I then let them outside and they continued their hard play out there for quite some time. I love that they like each other. Their play even roused Zoe from her nap, but it wasn't enough to entice her to join them. It's very funny to watch because there is quite a size difference, but Buster won't let the big girl boss him around. He keeps up beautifully - and with a real sense of humor.
So that's the latest on my menagerie.
I think I have to bathe the cats, too, just to be sure. Won't THAT be fun?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Now What Do I Do???
And Stella has shown signs of separation anxiety, but I think we're getting over that hurdle, too. I purchased some Rescue Remedy and have gated her in my room instead of the laundry room when I leave. At least she has a dog bed there and my bed. I think she's more comfortable and secure there.
So, of course I am attached and thinking she's mine when I get an e-mail from my posting on craigslist. It's so vague though and asks for a photo (for some reason I couldn't get craigslist to post the photo - maybe 'cause its properties give away personal info? I don't know.) and considering she's an American Staffordshire Terrier - often confused for a Pit Bull (Brian, you were close!) - that I worry about dog fighting rings. She's already had a litter at her tender age and I don't want her to be a breeding dog for something like that!
However, she is sweet and well-socialized so maybe a family is looking for her. But I haven't seen anything posted on craigslist or ANYWHERE . . . so I'm suspicious about this response. I'm thinking about asking for a photo for the missing dog and details about the dog . . . is that a good way to progress? I just don't know what to do! I took the listing down out of fear but want to do the right thing.
And to make matters even more interesting . . . the stray whisperer struck AGAIN this morning!!!!
Yup, I found this little guy on my walk with Zoe and Stella along the South Creek Trail.
You've got to be kidding!!!
He was dragging a tether attached to his collar (again, no tag!) and was a MESS. He was extremely dirty and covered in burrs. UGH.
At first he wouldn't come near us, but finally his curiosity about the two females got the best of him (typical male - lol) and he approached the girls. He wouldn't come near me, but fortunately, I could step on the tether and secure him. He tried to run - he was very nervous - but he finally calmed down and I was able to walk him home.Once home, I put him in the tub, bathed him, and spent quite some time cutting the burrs out of his hair. Sadly, the task is daunting and I haven't finished, but each time I pet him I am able to remove some. I called a couple groomers, but they cost a fortune!
Since he had a tether on, I really think he just got loose. So somebody HAS to be looking for him, right??? The crazy thing is, he has clearly been loose for some time. In fact, there is a craigslist posting that describes a small dog like him with attached to a tether way back in early July.
SIGH. I am certainly happy to help out, but I can't possibly care for THREE dogs and two cats, can I??? Of course, the shelters are closed and so he's here until Monday at least. Fortunately, he and Stella get along well, but Zoe . . . she is not happy about yet another dog. Frankly, I don't blame her.
Now what do I do????
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Please Can I Keep Her?

So the stray whisperer hasn't lost her magic apparently.
Yup. I found her a short while ago - skittish, skinny, and collarless. And beyond that, she has recently had puppies. Not so recent that she would still be nursing but recent enough you could tell. I was riding my bike home from work and as I approached the yard she was in, she bolted across the street, scared. I got off my bike and just started chatting with her and before I knew it, she was sitting next to me letting me pet her.
She is SWEET! Once I gained her trust, I got her inside my gate (that was tricky - I had to leave the bike behind and retrieve it later) and fed her (it was time to feed all the critters anyway). Then I introduced her to Zoe, which went very well, and took them both for a walk on the same leash. Sounds crazy, I know, but it's pretty easy as I've had to do it before! When we got back, I got her inside - very carefully 'cause Zoe is still pretty territorial - and penned her up in my laundry room.
So . . . I called the Humane Society (the only shelter in town) and left a message because it was after hours - of course!
What next? I guess I call the Humane Societies further away and check and then I poster the area and some local vets.
Oy vey.
I have a funny feeling I just ended up with another dog.
Any name suggestions? I kinda like Stella.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Cleansing Crisis
I decided to detox because earlier this summer I had a really bad case of hives and had no clue what was causing it. As the skin is the last frontier for toxins, I figured the best that could happen would be the detox would clear my skin and the worst would be I would feel much better. Kind of a win-win scenario.
So when in DC, I visited my acupuncturist and asked for a detox plan. She gave me a very sound one (no starvation or apple diets for me!) and also prescribed some herbs for me. Apparently, I am blood deficient, which might be a good reason for my ongoing fatigue. But that's another story . . . or is it? I guess we'll see.
Anyway, the basic plan is fruit and grains in the morning (no oats!), steamed veggies in the afternoon, and more steamed veggies in the evening. The plan says you can add protein with dinner, if you are VERY hungry, but my acupuncturist insisted on it with my blood deficiency. Only water and herbal tea to drink. No caffeine, no sugar, no alcohol, no wheat, no dairy - basically nothing FUN.
So, thus my trip to Whole Foods in KC. I got some veggies I love and some I either never eat or never prepare. It was a good stock: broccoli, new potatoes, sweet potatoes, beets, and kale. I also picked up some Salmon for my protein and some quinoa for my grain.
The plan warns you to start the program when you can be home to rest. My acupuncturist repeated it so I figured the warning must have some merit but for the life of me I wasn't sure exactly what. I was told to expect headaches and I've experienced some caffeine withdrawal before, so I was prepared for that. I just couldn't figure out why all this NAP talk and stuff.
I found out before 3pm my first day.
I didn't just get a headache. I got a blinding, raging, kill me now headache. I have never experienced anything like it before. JUST AWFUL. My heart aches for people with migraines because if I had to deal with this pain on a regular basis I WOULD kill myself.
What I learned online was the headaches (and other side effects) are called a cleansing or healing crisis. Ultimately it's a GOOD thing, but tell that to me when I'm chewing on my sheets. The plan says no medications outside your prescribed medicine and at about 2am I really wished for a prescription of codeine. Or Valium. Or a bullet for my head! I am not kidding. In sheer desperation and lack of sleep, I finally broke down and took an aspirin. I am weak. I admit it. And in no more than 15 minutes I was feeling relief.
Hmm. I got sidetracked. Back to the cleansing crisis. Here is one definition I found online:
"The Healing Crisis, or Die-Off, occurs when the body is detoxifying -releasing stored toxins - too rapidly for the paths of elimination to manage, and toxins are therefore floating around the bloodstream, poisoning you all over again."
Lovely, huh?
Well, the headache came back around noon yesterday but I refused to give in and medicate again. Instead, I drank a ton of water (I was anyway, but I drank a lot more) and took a nap. A LONG nap. Like a 4 HOUR nap! I don't do things like this! Clearly my body was dealing with a lot of toxins. The good news is, the water and nap plan worked. Now, whenever I feel a headache coming on, I just drink a bunch of water. Last night, I slept all night (except to pee, which I have to do a LOT) and slept well.
Today, I am virtually headache free. And I have more energy than the first two days. So I am hoping I am over the worst of it.
The plan says to exercise daily and bathe often. Always good advice. Today I felt up to trying a run but think I may have pushed it. Then again, that could be my blood deficiency rearing its ugly head. It's so weird. I've run 6 marathons. I just ran a half-marathon in April. And now I can hardly manage 2 miles without feeling impossibly tired. I tried for 4 this morning and think I got in 3 . . . but when I would stop to let Zoe swim, I got frighteningly light-headed and had to walk. I eventually gave up completely and finished walking. SIGH. I wish my herbs would get here!
The bathing has been good though. I even bought a body brush as they recommend brushing your body to aid the detox before you bathe.
I admit, I am already weary of the routine. I long for pizza and ice cream and cheese and pasta! I have noticed, for the first time, just how many FOOD ads there are on TV. UGH! Though I am eating the kale, I don't love it. And the beets are a pain in the butt to peel. Seriously, the pop out of my hand and go flying all over the kitchen and leave little purple marks along their way. Annoying. And though I'm happy for the fish, I prefer it grilled over steamed any day. Preferably with a yummy marinade. And frankly, it's tough eating the same thing twice a day, day in and day out.
As I am running low on veggies, I went to the store today. I picked up broccolini for the first time. And spoiled myself with blackberries - yummy! I debated the Rainier cherries, but man they're expensive. Maybe when I FINISH the detox I'll get some. And instead of fish I'm trying Adzuki beans . . . they're supposed to be very good for detox and taste like red beans. I love them in Japanese ice cream so I'm game.
All in all I think the detox will be worth it. I can already feel a difference in my skin! Tomorrow is the half-way point and I'm eager to see how I feel on Wednesday. I'll keep you posted. And let's hope there are no more cleansing crises. I'll drink (water) to that!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Everything's Up to Date in Kansas City
I grew up in this city and I hadn't been back in 9 years. I went to catch up with old friends, one who traveled from Dallas and wasn't in town for long.
As I drove over the state line, I crossed into Martin City. In my memory, Martin City is not much more than a crossroads, really - a one-horse town. What made this tiny spot on the map special was its number of quality restaurants where people would travel down from the "Big City" to enjoy a meal. The two I remember most are Jess and Jim's Steakhouse and the Smoke Stack (now known as Jack Stack - best BBQ hands down).
As I entered the town, I thought I got lost and ended up in Oz. I didn't even recognize the place! What used to be a little old cow town was now full of all the usual suspects: Target, Wal-mart, McDonalds, etc. I had no idea where the city was hiding its former dusty charm. It made me a little sad, but I suppose it prepared me for what I was about to encounter.
I continued on according to my mapquest directions to catch up with my friends at a place called Spin in Overland Park. Overland Park is actually my childhood home and when we moved into our neighborhood we were as far south as you could get - at about 103rd Street - and we were surrounded by farmland.
Granted, it grew over the years. But I couldn't believe how much it had grown when I drove in on 135th and it was all developed or the bulldozers and builders were busy adding to it. In that area of the country the roads are laid out in a grid, and I have a pretty good sense of direction, but I was all turned around! I had no idea where I was or what direction I was headed. It's strange to return to your home and be lost.
Well, I arrived on time thanks to mapquest and enjoyed a fabulous meal at this hot new pizza joint. Great food and fabulous prices. And it was fun to catch up with my old high school buddies in their element.
When lunch ended, I spent the afternoon with a friend at her very well-appointed home. Seriously, I live a completely different life than my dear old friends - every single one of them. I can't get over their homes! This particular friend has had most of the house redone over the past several years and the next project is an outdoor kitchen. I swear her house could be in a magazine. She showed me her walk-in closet and it has a little chandelier and a pouf to sit or stand on! She confessed she sometimes drinks wine and eats cheese in her closet. Yeah, it's that big. AND it's currently only holding her spring-summer wardrobe. Excuse me? My closet doesn't fit a grown-up person and it holds ALL of my seasons! Who am I kidding? I don't even have seasons! I teased her and said that next time she's getting ready to go to Goodwill that she should think of me. Well, no sooner had the words escaped my mouth than she was pulling stuff out and making me try it on - and then GIVING it to me! I have to say, I scored. I think I'm going to like shopping in her closet. Of course, it's win-win because when a hanger is empty, she gets to fill it with something NEW.
After that, we went to Trezo Vino at Park Place. It's a fun wine bar very near her home and we enjoyed a drink (I had Sangria, she had Chardonnay) before another friend picked us up to head out to Mission Hills to gather yet another friend. Growing up, Mission Hills was THE NEIGHBORHOOD in Kansas (it may or may not still be) and one of my friends actually lives there. I remember asking my parents to drive me through that neighborhood when we were nearby (not often) so I could admire the palatial homes. I still can't believe I know somebody who lives there! We drank some more wine, visited with her kids, and the took off for the Country Club Plaza.
The Plaza is one of the area's best features. It is modeled after Seville, Spain and offers high end shopping, dining, and entertainment. It was the first shopping "mall" of its kind and it really beautiful. Kansas City is known as the city of fountains and the Plaza has some of the loveliest.
Anyway, we went to Houston's for dinner there and had a great time.
The next morning I caught up with my oldest friends at one of their homes for breakfast. I got to see all of their children (after 9 years they have changed and some I had never seen!) and one friend's father. Aside for the surreal element of children being there, it was like I had never left.
On my way home, I stopped at Whole Foods as it is the closest one over 150 miles away. I figured why not? I stocked up on some really good produce before I hit the road.
I hope to return to my childhood home soon. After all, everything's up to date there!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Bittersweet Bon Voyage and Delicious Ambiguity
I have had a great trip catching up with good friends and filling myself with good food and drink. I even managed to spend some time at the National Gallery of Art for a while last week. I got back to Sonoma for a full cheese board and two bottles of wine with the Hula Ladies and City Mouse. I went to another Bobapalooza at the Boss Lady and her fabulous husband's house where I partied with the rest of the gang. We played Bocce Ball and ate and drank and pulled whimsies from a pail. I caught up with Sweet Thang at Jaleo and enjoyed some fabulous Sangria. I had dinner at Cafe 8 with the Hula Ladies and we could hardly contain ourselves as we enjoyed their appetizer plate.
But today I say good-bye again.
And this is a tough one because I have to say good-bye to the World Traveler as she is off to the Philippines in a couple of months for two years with the Peace Corps. I am thrilled for her adventure (and admittedly a little jealous) and excited she is following a dream she has had for some time. I admire her courage and ability to say good-bye to her life as she knows it - selling or giving away most of her possessions and leaving creature comforts and friends in DC - to help people literally half way around the world. I'm not really sure I could do it.
I know we'll be in touch as often as possible. She has started a blog and as long as she can find a cyber-cafe she can keep all of her friends and family up-to-date. I imagine we'll become re-acquainted with snail mail, too.
But it won't be the same as seeing her (and staying with her) every time I visit this place.
Yes, the two years will fly by and I have grand plans to visit her around the globe. Yet there is a distinct possibility that this World Traveler will find a new adventure abroad after her two year stint and will permanently reside far far away.
So today's good-bye is bittersweet. It involves unknowing, and time, and space (a LOT of space) as well as adventure, joy, and living in the moment.
One of our friends gave her this quote over the weekend: “Some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity…” – Gilda Radner
Well said, Gilda.
So with that delicious ambiguity in mind - the bitter and the sweet - I say Bon Voyage, World Traveler! You will be dearly missed here and you will be deeply welcomed in your new home.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Bumbles and Stinky Poopy Pants
Monday, July 07, 2008
Beach Bumming
Yes, I've been missing for a few days.
This past week I spent with my family on our annual vacation to Hampton Beach, NH.
The family has been going there ever since my mother was a little girl. It's a beautiful spot that holds too many memories to count. It was a banner year this year as everybody made it for the full week.
Typically there are highlights and low lights - any family vacation would have its share of both. So here are mine.
Low lights: I wasn't feeling great most of the week. Ugh. Some kind of stomach thing. And it pretty much trumps all other potential low lights. But we had a night out to eat that ranks up there in the low lights - at Top of the Harbor restaurant. Messed up orders, only okay food, and way too expensive for what you got. NOT A GOOD CHOICE. That's one family of 13 that will never return.
Highlights: We had 5 amazing beach days. It's tricky in New England. We've spent entire weeks in jeans and sweatshirts before so having 5 warm and sunny days is a big deal. The "next generation" swam EVERY day - even the colder days. Nutty. My sister joined them for several swims even, but she has a wet suit. You won't get me NEAR that water without one and I would have to be REALLY hot to go in with one. You see, on a good day the water temperature is 62 degrees. Like I said, nutty.
We had a great meal at Michael's Harborside in Newburyport. Then again, we have a great meal there EVERY year.
The girls and boys split up (I joined the boys, however) and went to see Wall-E and Kit Kittridge (sp?) to get some relief from the sea and sun.
My brother, nephew, and managed to get in three runs. I wouldn't say they were great (remember, I wasn't feeling 100%), but we got them in.
We let off our own fireworks on the beach one night. If it weren't for the damn sand fleas biting us, it would have been a perfect evening activity. We had fun anyway.
The Acupuncturist and ER Doc drove down from Portland and spent one night with us. It was great catching up and chilling out with them. I'm hoping they'll return next year for a longer stay.
My mother's blueberry buckle. 'nuff said.
We enjoyed our annual 4th of July barbecue that also happens to be my sister's birthday. We made homemade ice cream (YUM) and my brother-in-law grilled up a storm of burgers, dogs, chicken, and a sole piece of salmon for me. Oh, and some asparagus. The kids decorated cup cakes in which we put candles to sing "happy birthday" and my sis opened her presents. Then it was fireworks time. After the previous sand flea issues, I opted to watch them from our deck. But the kids wanted to be closer to the action so the big boys rode their bikes up to the main beach and the rest hoofed it to the little beach down the street from the house. It was a good show from any vantage point.
After cleaning the house and packing up the cars, we all met at Kimball Farm for lunch and ice cream. This is another place we've been going to for many years. Their "kiddie" sizes are like eating an entire PINT of ice cream. I had a lobster roll for lunch (AWESOME) and was so full I just sampled others' ice cream. Good stuff!
All in all, a GREAT trip. Fun, sun, good eats, and great company. Oh, and I have a tan now, too. Wish I could beach bum a little longer.