So far, I have spent my weekend WORKING.
Not what I enjoy doing on my days off, but with my schedule getting tighter and tighter and with more and more to accomplish, it is a necessary evil.
Yesterday, after an hour and a half walk with Zoe on the trail (lovely!), I plopped myself down in front of my computer and worked on SEVEN job applications. Yup, seven. And to be honest, I'm really excited about some of them. There are two in Colorado, one in Montana, and another in Wyoming - all of which are exciting for different reasons. So it isn't all bad. However, academic job applications are labor intensive and it took me ALL day (with an interruption to eat lunch and an interruption to chat with a friend). WHEW. By 6pm I was exhausted and poured myself the first glass of wine I've had in three weeks! I then called PhD to catch up over a long distance happy hour. It was terrific chatting with her.
This morning, again after a long walk with Zoe (this time at the park), I finally went grocery shopping and was back at the computer paying bills (UGH, I am so broke). Soon, I will get to my grading and then I need to work on my script for tonight's rehearsal.
I have to say, rehearsal, though time consuming, is the high point of my days right now. It feels SO GOOD to be an actor again. I don't even know how to describe it. The play is challenging in good ways to me and I'm really enjoying working with this director. And though I have little interaction with all of the students in the cast, I'm enjoying their work as well. How I WISH I could be a full-time actor!!!! Well . . . should none of my job applications pan out, I'll consider it the Universe's way of telling me to give acting another shot.
Not much else to tell. My house is a mess and I need to do laundry . . . what's the priority? Grading or cleaning?
Tomorrow is another Monday and on top of the usual work I have, I need to get my tires checked and probably buy a couple. Yeah, with all my extra money.
So . . . so much for days OFF. Christmas is coming after all.
BOOK/A TABLE - Let There Be Quiche!
2 days ago