Hello darling family, dear friends, devoted fans, and complete strangers!
Yes, I have been MIA. And that may be how it remains for just a little bit longer. I don't intend to stay away for good . . . just until the boy leaves for the big blue.
I did want to give a brief update, however.
I ran six miles on Saturday. I continue to get to Pilates and continue to fail to get to Yoga. Little change there but I have high hopes that things will get back to something more normal beginning next month.
The biggest news is that our little menagerie at the Pink House has expanded AGAIN. My housemate found a stray dog in the neighborhood last week and after papering the neighborhood with signs, calling shelters and the Humane Society, and asking around the hood we are certain "Hannah" is now a member of our odd little family. She is my housemate's responsibility, of course, but I am thrilled to be able to help. She is a darling shepherd-mix - very timid and sweet - and I believe she's finally relaxing and feeling more at home. My friends joke that word is getting out to the stray community that the Pink House is the place to go! So we are up to 3 dogs and one kitty who is rapidly becoming a cat.
The dogs all get along just fine. Kitty is not pleased with the new arrival however. Every time she passes the study, Hannah's current safe place, she hisses. It's damn funny actually. I believe she will accept Hannah eventually - or at the very least learn to live with her - so I'm not at all concerned.
Of course between the boy, the weather, and the new dog (which I walk in the mornings with Zoe) my running during the week is suffering. I'm trying to figure out how to change that and so far have not figured out the best way to get my maintenance mileage in. SIGH. I refuse to stress about it at this point.
So expect me to be MIA for just a little bit longer.
BOOK/A TABLE - Let There Be Quiche!
2 days ago