No, it's not speedwork related to my training but speedwork of another kind.
Last night we had an Italian Speed-Through of Merry Wives. Trust me, though I didn't have my running shoes on, it was still a workout! For those of you not in the know, you rehearse the entire show (blocking, acting, etc.) as fast as you can. It's great fun, but very hard work and by the end I was pretty tired. There is an intensity of focus that must be sustained for the length of the show - in this case about two hours.
Fortunately, running doesn't require quite the same mental intensity. Oh, don't get me wrong - running requires as much mental stamina as it does physical. But it's more stamina to keep you from being your own worst enemy. Remember that Gremlin? Yeah, it's all about keeping him quiet through the run. And that can be exhausting. I think "hitting the wall" is when you can no longer shut him up.
Tonight we will be working scenes. This is the equivalent to running hills, splits, etc. You focus on one thing and really push it to the limit - discovering a great deal along the way. I also have a costume fitting - kind of like going for new shoes or shorts. Does it fit? Is it comfortable? Can you move in it? The biggest difference here is that I don't get to complain if it's not cool enough.
It's hard to believe opening is one week away. Though I know we'll be ready, I sometimes wish rehearsals would take as long as training does. Only because, like a race, the run of a show goes by too quickly (okay so the marathon doesn't feel quick when you're IN it, but it sure does when you look back on it). And though you're tired and ready to rest, you hate to lose the moment - because it's a moment of pure joy.
BOOK/A TABLE - Let There Be Quiche!
2 days ago